Sockpuppet and Lucky Ghost - double cover reveal

2016 begins with a bang for me, as the pulse-pounding covers to two of my books are unveiled. First, the impossible-to-ignore design for the paperback edition of Sockpuppet, which is published in the UK on 26 January. Designer Ben Summers took the iconic pig mask image from the hardback edition (left) and wrapped it around the cover to create an even more eye-catching design (right):  

He also managed to squeeze in some fantastic blurbs from The Guardian, the FT, John Humphrys and Joe Cornish, of Adam and Joe fame. Find out more about Sockpuppet here.

And as if that wasn't enough, we also revealed the cover for the hardback edition of my second novel, Lucky Ghost, a self-contained sequel to Sockpuppet. This time Ben took the dotted line motif from the Sockpuppet cover and twisted it into an alluring image that perfectly captures the twisted, illusory qualities of Lucky Ghost’s virtual world.

Lucky Ghost cover.JPG

Lucky Ghost is out on 26 July. In the meanwhole you can read more about it here.